3 research outputs found

    Serological survey for equine viral arteritis in several municipalities in the Orinoquia region of Colombia

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    Objective. The goal of this study was to determine the current status of the Equine Arteritis virus (EAV) in horse populations in the Orinoquia region of Colombia. Materials and methods. A transversal study was conducted by serological survey of equine (n=100) from 11 municipalities of the Colombian Orinoquia region. Serum samples were tested by virus seroneutralization assay according to the guidelines provided by the World Organization for Animal Health. Results. After testing was carried out no positives samples to EAV were found in the population analyzed. Conclusions. Although the sample size of the population screened in this study does not represent the total equine population size for the region or the country, data obtained has shown the absence of EAV infection in these animals. However, a wider study area including other regions of the country, with a feasible statistical design, would determine if this infection continues to be an exotic disease for Colombia

    Arteritis viral equina (revisi贸n sistem谩tica)

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    La Arteritis Viral Equina (AVE) es una enfermedad viral que afecta equinos, asnos, mulas y cabras, se caracteriza por generar grandes p茅rdidas econ贸micas debido a la cantidad de abortos, trastornos respiratorios y neumon铆a en potros que se presentan, pero en la mayor铆a de los casos es asintom谩tica. Se ha demostrado la presencia de la infecci贸n en pa铆ses de Norteam茅rica, Europa, Australia, 脕frica, Centroam茅rica, Sudam茅rica y Asia. En Colombia aun es considerada como una enfermedad ex贸tica a causa de las pocas investigaciones que se han realizado. La Arteritis Viral Equina es una enfermedad de dif铆cil diagn贸stico, debido a la similitud con otras enfermedades y al desconocimiento que se tiene sobre la misma, por esta raz贸n, se diagnostica de forma err贸nea o simplemente no se detecta la enfermedad. La recopilaci贸n de investigaciones de arteritis viral equina es esencial para tener un conocimiento actualizado y un f谩cil acceso a toda la informaci贸n necesaria que permita tener un diagn贸stico oportuno y as铆 realizar programas de control para evitar la propagaci贸n de esta enfermedad